Checking LTL[F,G,X] on Compressed Traces in Polynomial Time

Wed 25 Aug 2021 23:00 - 23:10 - Analysis—Model Checking Chair(s): Matthew B Dwyer
The problem of checking if a program execution meets
a formal specification arises in many software engineering tasks
including runtime verification and designing test oracles.
When online analysis is not possible,
execution trace logs are stored for offline postmortem analysis,
often in a compressed format to reduce disk space and warehousing requirements.
A straightforward method for checking if a compressed execution
satisfies a property is to first decompress it
and then analyze the resulting uncompressed execution.
In this paper, we consider the problem of
checking if an execution trace, compressed using a
grammar-based lossless compression scheme, satisfies a specification expressed
in linear temporal logic, without explicitly decompressing it.
In general, this problem is known to be intractable (PSPACE-hard in the size
of the compressed trace and the LTL formula).
We show that the problem can be solved in \emph{polynomial time}
for the fragment LTL[F,G,X], which comprises of
all Boolean and modal operators of LTL except the \emph{until} operator.
Our algorithm for analyzing SLPs (a grammar-based compression scheme)
is effective in practice — for a suite of large execution traces obtained from
open source projects, our algorithm shows significant speed ups
when compared with the performance of checking LTL
properties over corresponding uncompressed traces.
Wed 25 AugDisplayed time zone: Athens change
11:00 - 12:00 | Analysis—Model CheckingJournal First / Research Papers +12h Chair(s): Domenico Bianculli University of Luxembourg | ||
11:00 10mPaper | Checking LTL[F,G,X] on Compressed Traces in Polynomial Time Research Papers Minjian Zhang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Umang Mathur University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Mahesh Viswanathan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI | ||
11:10 10mPaper | Conditional Interpolation: Making Concurrent Program Verification More Effective Research Papers DOI | ||
11:20 10mPaper | RegionTrack: A Trace-based Sound and Complete Checker to Debug Transactional Atomicity Violations and Non-Serializable Traces Journal First Xiaoxue Ma City University of Hong Kong, Shangru WU City University of Hong Kong, Ernest Pobee City University of Hong Kong, Xiupei Mei City University of Hong Kong, Hao Zhang City University of Hong Kong, Bo Jiang Beihang University, Wing-Kwong Chan City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong | ||
11:30 30mLive Q&A | Q&A (Analysis—Model Checking) Research Papers |
23:00 - 00:00 | Analysis—Model CheckingResearch Papers / Journal First Chair(s): Matthew B Dwyer University of Virginia | ||
23:00 10mPaper | Checking LTL[F,G,X] on Compressed Traces in Polynomial Time Research Papers Minjian Zhang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Umang Mathur University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Mahesh Viswanathan University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign DOI | ||
23:10 10mPaper | Conditional Interpolation: Making Concurrent Program Verification More Effective Research Papers DOI | ||
23:20 10mPaper | RegionTrack: A Trace-based Sound and Complete Checker to Debug Transactional Atomicity Violations and Non-Serializable Traces Journal First Xiaoxue Ma City University of Hong Kong, Shangru WU City University of Hong Kong, Ernest Pobee City University of Hong Kong, Xiupei Mei City University of Hong Kong, Hao Zhang City University of Hong Kong, Bo Jiang Beihang University, Wing-Kwong Chan City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong | ||
23:30 30mLive Q&A | Q&A (Analysis—Model Checking) Research Papers |