Code of Conduct
Privacy: For privacy reasons, recording, screen capturing, and retransmission of video streams from the conference platform is not allowed. Textual communications on conference-provided channels are also private.
Names: Attendees must use their professional names and affiliations for registration and all conference activities. Special circumstances may be discussed with the conference General Chairs.
Anti-harassment and non-discrimination: The open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression are central to the aims and goals of the ESEC/FSE conference; these require an environment that recognizes the inherent worth of every person and group, that fosters dignity, understanding, and mutual respect, and that embraces diversity. The ESEC/FSE Organizing Committee is dedicated to providing a harassment- and discrimination-free conference. In particular, attendees and organizers must abide by the ACM Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment. We expect all the participants to use welcoming and inclusive language, to be respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences, to gracefully accept constructive criticism, to focus on what is best for the community, and to show empathy towards other community members. There is no tolerance for unwelcome, hostile, or disruptive behavior or speech that intimidates, creates discomfort, or interferes with a person’s participation or opportunity for participation at the conference and all associated events. Conference participants violating these standards may be expelled from this and future conferences.
Getting help: If you witness or are subject to unacceptable behavior, we encourage you to contact the General Chairs, Diomidis Spinellis and Georgios Gousios, or the Chairs for Diversity and Inclusion, Alexander Serebrenik and Bonita Sharif, who will take appropriate action and report the incident to ACM if necessary. In addition, this list of comebacks may prove useful to you.