Registered user since Wed 22 Jan 2020
Rifat Ara Shams is a final year Ph.D. researcher under the Department of Software Systems and Cybersecurity and the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University. She is working at OVIS Lab (Operationalizing Values in Software) and also involved in PROTIC, a joint project of Monash University and Oxfam in Bangladesh. Her research interests include human values in mobile apps, and human and social aspects of software engineering.
Her research achievements started in 2016 with an international research award, “Young Scientist” for her contribution to Computer Science research. After joining Ph.D. in 2018, she has been working on several research papers on her Ph.D. work and participated in a few research competitions in the last two years.
As the first author, she published two conference papers in ICSE 2020 and HICSS 2021 and one doctoral colloquium in iConference 2020. She is also preparing for a journal paper in TSE. She worked as a co-author of four published conference papers in FSE 2018, RE19, ICSE 2020 and RE20, one published journal paper in TSE 2020 and one published poster in iConference 2020. The artifacts she submitted for her papers in ICSE 2020 have been awarded the badges, “Reusable” and “Available”.
She is also a tech-blog writer (One of the blog’s link: http://blog.ieeesoftware.org/2019/09/female-farmers-values-based-apps.html). Furthermore, she is the FIT 3Minutes Thesis (3MT) runner-up, 2020 (Link: https://vimeo.com/432853863). She has also participated in the Early Career Researcher Showcase, 2020 (Link: https://www.thinkable.org/submission_entries/032AJWqn).
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