ESEC/FSE 2021 (series) / Kexin Pei

Registered user since Wed 11 Oct 2023
Name:Kexin Pei
I am a fifth-year Ph.D. student at Department of Computer Science, Columbia University. I am advised by Suman Jana and Junfeng Yang. Before coming to Columbia, I was a research assistant at Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, advised by Dongyan Xu, Xiangyu Zhang and Luo Si. Prior to Purdue, I worked at the Database group, HKBU, advised by Haibo Hu and Jianliang Xu. I am broadly interested in Security, Systems, and Machine Learning. I am currently deeply excited about developing neural frameworks and architectures to understand program semantics and using them for program analysis and security.
Country:United States
Affiliation:Columbia University
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X (Twitter):
Research interests:Security, Systems, and Machine Learning
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