Registered user since Thu 8 Mar 2018
Anderson Uchôa is a third-year PhD student in Informatics at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Anderson holds a Master’s in Informatics from PUC-Rio (2019), and a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Brazil, in cooperation with Sapienza University of Rome (La Sapienza), Italy (2016). Anderson Uchôa is a member of the OPUS Research Group supervised by Prof. Dr. Alessandro Garcia, from the Software Engineering Laboratory of PUC-Rio. He has experience in the area of Software Engineering, working mainly on the following topics: Software Reuse, Software Maintenance and Evolution, and Empirical Software Engineering. He also worked for research projects in software engineering, information systems for healthcare, and data science. He also works on industrial projects at PUC-Rio. Relevant venues and journals have accepted his work for publication, such as the International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), and Information Systems (IS). Anderson collaborates with various researchers in Brazil (more recently, UFPR, UFMG, UFPE, and UFC) and UK (Newcastle University and University College London).
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